Since 2006
OBAR AS was formed in 2006 with the aim of being a reliable and trustworthy Service Company & Design House within the Oil and Gas Industry.
Our expertise is within Automated Monitoring & Measurement Technologies, Completion Methodology and usage of Smart Well Technology.
BOP and Riser Condition Monitoring, Vibration, Fatigue, VIV (Vortex Induced Vibrations).
Pressure, Temperature sensors and flanges for BOP, LMRP and in well. API based versions, DNV certified for HPHT and other environments,
OBAR AS was formed by the Director and Principal Owner Ottar Barsnes, which has more than 32 years of experience in Oil and Gas Industry within Monitoring Systems and Business Development of Completion and Measurement Systems.
Mr Barsnes has experience in Subsea Engineering, Reservoir and Measurement Systems.
His work involves design and development of Hydroacoustics Reservoir Data Systems, Smart Well Development and a wide experience in business and market development of Reservoir Management Solutions. His international business development is based upon development of Business and Distribution centres and global market development.

In Obar we have developed advanced real time measurement systems for Subsurface and Subsea Measurement system – for realtime asset management and condition analysis.
Obar have since 2006 served the largest national and international E&P Operators and Rig owners as clients.
Mr Barsnes holds a B.Eng (Hons) from Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh within topic “Offshore Engineering” with Electrical Engineering specialisation.
Key personnel in development programmes is project driven with a source pool of key personnel with substantial industry experience available.

Locations and Facilities
OBAR AS is situated in modern locations in Hafrsfjord, Stavanger, Norway with engineering facilities, web & video conferencing and full base and deep water key facilities.
The OBAR team
- Design its engineering products with 3D Modelling tools, with full analysis and review functionalities
- Analysis for Riser and structural analysis
- Reservoir Production Optimisation Specialists and application Products
- Real Time Data Management Packages
- Software design
OBAR AS is today fully set up to perform in-house studies besides hosting client turn key applications.